Economic Principles in Cell Biology          

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Most of the book chapters have been presented as lectures at the Economic Principles in Cell Bioloy summer schools in 2022 and 2023 at LPI Paris. You can download the lecture slides below. Lectures without a chapter number correspond to planned chapters in future editions of the book.

  1. Exploring the economy of the cell (overview)
  2. What makes up a cell? (chapter 2)
  3. Optimality problems in cells
  4. A dynamic view of metabolism (chapter 3)
  5. Balanced growth
  6. Flux Balance Analysis (chapters 4 and 5)
  7. The cost of metabolic pathways (chapter 6)
  8. Optimal metabolic states (chapter 7)
  9. Self-replicator models (chapter 8)
  10. Autocatalytic cycles and growth laws
  11. Resource allocation models (chapter 9)
  12. Optimal cell behavior in time (chapter 10)
  13. Metabolic diversity in cell populations (chapter 11)
  14. Control of cell division (chapter 12)
  15. Cells in the face of uncertainty (chapter 13)
  16. The return on investment
  17. Economy of organ shapes and function (chapter 14)