Economic Principles in Cell Biology          

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Summer school “Economic Principles in Cell Biology” - July 8-11, 2024

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Our third summer school on Economic Principles in Cell Biology took place at the Learning Planet Institute Paris and online in July 2024, right before the Olympic games. Like our 2022 and 2023 summer schools, the school explored topics from our open textbook “Economic principles in cell biology”, developed as a learning and teaching resource.

The summer schools are open to undergraduate and graduate students as well as to postdoctoral researchers with a natural sciences background (including biological sciences, physics, engineering, or mathematics). They focus on mathematical modeling of cellular systems (without wet experiments) and show how mathematical models and “resource allocation thinking” can help you understand cells.

The school also featured a Night Science lecture on the creative process in science, and an Atelier SEnS, a workshop around participants' personal values and how they align with their work in research.

Lecture slides

Please click on lecture icons or titles to download pdf. The slides of lecture 12 will be added soon. Lecture videos will be made available later.

1. The economy of the cell

2. An inventory of cell components

3. Optimality problems in cells

4. Cell metabolism

5. Optimization of metabolic fluxes

6. Principles of cell growth

7. Growth balance analysis

8. Scaling laws in cell evolution

9. Cells facing uncertainty

10. Economy of organ form and function

11. Diversity of metabolic flux distributions

12. The origin of life

13. The return on investment in cells

Financial support